Remote support and innovative solutions to tackle the Coronavirus outbreak

Announcements 27. 10. 2023
Obvestila_svetovanja na daljavo koronavirus_avtor_2020

In times when we are staying at home due to the new coronavirus, new initiatives are emerging. RogLab is now offering free remote support to all users, including those without a valid user fee. European Commission also published a new Open Call in search of technologies and innovations that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak.


The time which we have to under current circumstances spend at home is a time we can use to learn. So the moment for you to learn a new program for 3D modeling has arrived. Just so you are not in this completely on your own, RogLab is opening special online terms for remote support, where you will be able to talk to our mentors Tomo, Zelim, and Staš.

Remote support terms are available daily, from Monday to Friday, between 4 and 8 pm. They are dedicated to all that with questions related to 3D modeling in Autodesk Fusion 360, 3D printing and CNC milling.

Those who own a 3D printer and have problems with its settings or the products that are not being printed correctly, and all who finally found the time to solder their first printed circuit board and got stuck at an issue, are also welcome to join.

Remote support is free for all and is suitable for adults and children.

You can book an appointment with us here.


All user fees will be frozen for the duration of RogLab's closure, March 13 inclusive.


European Commission published a call for startups and SMEs with technologies and innovations that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak.

The deadline for applications is March 18, 2020.

You can read more about the Open call here.

European Commission is already supporting a number of startups and SMEs with Coronavirus relevant innovations, awarded funding in previous rounds. Such projects are:

  • EpiShuttle project for specialized isolation units,
  • m-TAP project for filtration technology to remove viral. 

We would like to wish all that you use the time spent at home as creatively as possible, and stay connected with our community, family and fellow creators online.

RogLab Team

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