Open call for Makers in Residency

Calls and Tenders 25. 11. 2024
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This year’s Makers in Residency program welcomes all makers, innovators, and creatives eager to work on their projects at Center Rog. As the largest public creative hub in Europe, with nine specialized production labs, Center Rog offers a unique opportunity to create, share knowledge, experiment and expand your network.

Center Rog’s residency programmes are an ideal opportunity to take your projects to the next level. With production labs dedicated to culinary, textiles, 3D printing, electronics, woodworking, metalworking, glass & ceramics, jewellery, and research of new materials and expert support from our mentors/technicians, there will be no limits to your creativity. If you’re active in the areas of fabrication, handicrafts, product design, fashion, material engineering, or food design don’t hesitate to apply.

You can choose between a 2-week long residency or a one-month long residency in which you will have time to test, prototype, examine, measure, experiment, verify, implement and much more.

You can apply through the form on our website where you will also need to upload the following documents:

  • CV,
  • Recommendation letter from a FabLab or a Maker Space,
  • Presentation of the project you wish to develop in Center Rog (max. 3 pages, 1 page with a text, 1 page with a technical sketch, 1 page with visual material (a photo or a render),
  • In case of selecting the one-month long residency – upload the proposal for your public programme.

The deadline for the application process is the 5th of January, midnight CET.

Makers in Residency 2025_Open call

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