Center Rog is a modern production space, designed for everyone who enjoys creating with their hands, regardless of their knowledge and age. The nine production labs, which are the heart of the house, provide a space for learning and using both traditional and modern digital technologies. Here, you can engage in concrete and tangible challenges - from repairing various objects to improving and creating new, innovative, and socially beneficial products. In Center Rog, there are also nineteen project studios and five residential apartments, in addition to a new branch of the Ljubljana City Library, Rog Library, a large exhibition and event hall, a café, bistro, and restaurant, as well as several shops with local products. In front of Center Rog is a large public park, and in comfortably equipped drop-in corners on all floors, you can rest, work, or socialize at any time.
Exterior (view from Trubarjeva Street)
Exterior (view from Petkovšek Embankment)
Exterior (Terrace)
Interior (Glass extension)
Interior (Main hall)
Interior (Main hall)
Interior (Main hall)
Interior (Conference hall)
Interior (Conference hall)
Residency apartment (family apartment)
Residency apartment (family apartment)
Residency apartment (family apartment)
Residency apartment (family apartment)
Wood Lab
Metal Lab
Ceramics Lab
Jewelry Lab
Food Lab
Textile Lab
Park of the Erased
Open Calls and Study Visits
Step into one of Europe's largest makerspaces in the heart of Ljubljana! Center Rog is not just a space, it's a hub dedicated to fostering cultural and creative industries. A place that supports digital fabrication, architecture, engineering, applied arts, design and much more. Our goal is to build a strong international community of creative individuals and organisations who share our values, and to that end we are open to a wide range of cooperation opportunities. We issue annual calls for partners as well as regular calls for projects that will have a strong environmental and social impact. Check our open calls for residencies and study visits.
The history of industrial activity in the area where Center Rog stands today dates back to 1871 when Ivan Janesch purchased pasture land in the Šempeter suburb. In 1879, he built a factory building for tanning leather on the land. The building was later expanded by his son, Ivan Janesch Jr., in 1882, adding another floor and expanding production to include leather goods. By the end of the 19th century, the factory employed up to 100 workers.
Lab Managers
Center Rog
Trubarjeva ulica 72
1000 Ljubljana
Tax Number: SI79671977
Matična številka: 8889724000
TRR: SI56 0126 1600 0002 804
(odprt 15.7.2021, UJP, Kreativno središče Center Rog)
Supervisory Board of Center Rog
- Krištof Mlakar, president
- Mateja Lazar
- Julka Žibert
- Sania Huskić Hočevar
- Uroš Veber
- Mladen Dolar
- Tina Deu, employee representative
Public information
Official person for providing public information:
Nina Skrt
+386 (0)1 320 56 08
- Center Rog ⎮ Katalog informacij javnega značaja (pdf 1,5 MB)
Rules and Regulations
- Sklep o ustanovitvi javnega zavoda Center Rog (zunanja povezava)
- Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah pravilnika o notranji organizaciji dela in sistemizaciji delovnih mest JZ Center Rog (avgust 2023)
- Prečiščeno besedilo Pravilnika o notranji organizaciji dela in sistemizaciji delovnih mest JZ Centra Rog (avgust 2023)
Strategic Development of Center Rog
Stakeholder Recommendations
Finančne podpore za ustvarjalce v kulturnem in kreativnem sektorju, 2022
Participacija uporabnikov pri upravljanju Centra Rog
Vključevanje begunske in migrantske populacije v delovanje Centra Rog, 2022 (v angleščini)
Družbena raznolikost in enakost spolov, 2022 (v angleščini)
Zelene površine Centra Rog - priporočila, 202
Annual Reports
- Center Rog ⎮ Leto poročilo 2021 (pdf 1,4 MB)
- Center Rog Letno poročilo 2022 (pdf 2,5 MB)
- Center Rog Letno poročilo 2023 (pdf, 3,6 MB)
- Center Rog Letno poročilo 2024 (pdf 2,8 MB)
Accessibility Statement
International Projects
Made In 2.0
MADE IN is a research, design and heritage platform that proposes new collaborative practices and knowledge exchange between the traditional craftspeople and contemporary designers. It engages craftspeople, designers, researchers, curators and theoreticians on a quest to pose relevant questions about the topics of heritage and production in today’s society through research and archiving of local crafts, conducting workshops and residencies and promoting ideas through a travelling exhibition.
Financer: Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
Duration: 1.2.2023 - 30.11.2025
Project Coordinator: Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana, Slovenija
Project Partners: Center Rog, Ljubljana, Slovenija; Muzej mesta Zenica, Zenica, BiH; Drugo More, Reka, Hrvaška; Kunstgewerbemuseum, Dresden, Nemčija; Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb, Hvaška; Oaza, Zagreb, Hrvaška; Nova Iskra, Beograd, Srbija; Passa Ao Futuro, Lizbona, Portugalska; University of Applied Sciences, Schneeberg, Nemčija
Made in Platform

Act&Art For Positive Social Change
Act & Art for Positive Social Change” project promotes social inclusion and aims to improve the outreach to disadvantaged and marginalised groups, such as people with a migrant background, refugees, and other underserved communities that face the struggles of social exclusion. The project seeks to address the barriers faced by these groups and to create inclusive environments that foster equity and equality and respond to the needs of the wider community.
Programme: Erasmus+
Duration: 2022 -2023
Lead partner: Zavod Apis
Shared Spaces – Shared Futures (Skupni prostori - skupne prihodnosti)
In December 2021, within the framework of the project Shared Spaces - Shared Futures in collaboration with the European Cultural Foundation, a new round of participatory development of Center Rog began. Five working groups focused on important substantive and organizational aspects of our new shared creative center. We verified their findings with interested public groups in April, improved drafts with the help of external experts in May, and presented them together with the wider public at an international meeting in Ljubljana in June.
Financer: Evropska kulturna fundacija
Duration: 25.11.2021 - 31.10. 2022
Our role: producer
Shemakes - Opportunity Ecosystems Bridging the Gender Gap
The Shemakes network connects organizations and individuals actively contributing to the common goals of the project, such as improving the skills, self-confidence, and professional position of women in the textile and clothing industry. Together, we address challenges faced by women in the industry: overrepresentation in the lowest-paid positions, systemic gender structures affecting their status, and low value attributed to their skills in traditional business structures. We strive to create new opportunities and business structures that will enable women to move to higher, better-paid positions by providing them access to hard skills, technology, and innovations, networking, and business development.
Programme: Horizon 2020
Duration: 31.1.2022 – 1.6. 2022
Lead Partner: CEDECS-TCBL
Role in the project: receipient of funds
Ref: 101006203
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Mateja in Tomaža je povezalo veselje do izdelovanja klasičnih kitar. Začela sta vsak zase, zdaj pa združujeta moči in znanje, da bi skupaj zasnovala in izdelala inštrument z inovativnim sistemom vpenjanja strun in s tem povsem drugačnim ...